Sunday, 22 March 2015


"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." -Swami Vivekananda

It's all about what we think, why we think about something and the way we think!

The day I start approaching every situation with the right attitude, I'll be successful in my eyes!

As I move closer to who I want to be, I can notice changes in 'what, why and how I think'. I realize that the better I think and the better my intentions are, the better I'll do.

These little seeds of thoughts form beliefs when processed repeatedly. Many people come and go, but only a few leave a tender imprint of love. These are the people who make us feel safe and free at the same time and make our lives funnier and happier. We might feel connected to many people, but in the end, we stay only with those who largely believe in what we believe in.

Being with people who make us feel uneasy makes it evident that they don't believe in what we do and somewhere down the line the bond won't be that strong. Sometimes, maybe adopting someone else's belief is better for us and helps us open up and move out of our comfort zone; which is equally necessary, but it's better to adopt those beliefs gradually.

The reason we are close to ourselves and the reason we know ourselves better than other people is because we know our true thoughts. We must believe in ourselves. We must think good about ourselves; we must believe in our goodness to be good.

Thinking good, having good intentions and doing good; it all leads to sleeping better and feeling at peace. Sleeping well is something everyone wants at the end of the day. That's everyone's need. Who wouldn't want that? Anything & everything except our dreams, that doesn't lets us sleep peacefully is not worth keeping.

And it all comes down to one thing; our thoughts!

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