Saturday, 1 September 2018


Remember? You fell before you walked,
And cracked before you talked.
Then why today are you scared of missing your mark?
Tell yourself "Breakdown precedes breakthrough".

You went off beat before you synced with the rhythm,
And lost your balance before you perfected your pirouettes,
But now when I see failures shake you bad,
I wonder why you allow them to.

Don't be frustrated just yet,
You'll heal at your own pace.
Why be afraid to go through a period of lull?
You're not dead yet, it's just flu.

You stood up, up to your full stature,
After everyone had seen you frail,
But still you doubt your ability! Why?
Just get up like you did; you don't always need a cue.

Do you recall your pitch being off,
Before you sang the note pitch perfect?
And then you sang in tune all the way.
But now I see a big doubt instilled in you.

They bullied you before you toughened up,
You were weak before you got strong,
And blocked negativity for so long,
Then why today are you letting small events trouble you?

I am waiting to see you bloom,
Enough said about how you arose after every failure,
Now, I don't want to see you question yourself,
Just start doing everything you wanted to do.

Remember "Breakdown precedes breakthrough"!


  1. A reality of life, still not understood by most of us. Its praiseworthy that your expressions are reminding the world about this lesson of life.
