Friday 6 July 2018

How Much Time Do I Have With You?

Does our fate dictate what we get on the plate? Or is there scope to negotiate? Because I might want to.

And I want to locate where I exactly am in the darkroom when I skate, as I often find myself stuck in figure eight, but switching on the lights is something I can't do.

But with all that you feel and don't tell, I can relate. So, let me know when you're ready to accommodate, the truth I have; we don't need a clean slate, I'm assuring you.

But I can't bear this weight of not being able to express; exactly what I hate, and I can't let myself be smothered by the freight, so, would you please reach out to me before I take a long time to?

But I don't have the ability to translate all that I feel into words and I don't want to get into a distracting debate, so, will you let my eyes fixate? Because, I don't know how much time I got with you.

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